1. OVERVIEW: Raise Away (RA) Will provide the Participating Organization with items selected from RA catalog for the upcoming fundraising event. Any item selected from the catalog, RA website, or purchased from RA is bound by this agreement. RA will provide details of selected items, including photos, descriptions, and necessary marketing material to present the items at the Participating Organization event. The Participating Organization may list the items in their online auction, virtual events, in person silent auction, live auction, raffle, or any type of fundraiser deemed appropriate by RA. RA will provide necessary details and suggested methods of listing, depending on items selected, to provide the best opportunity to ensure items sell and raise funds for Participating Organization. 

2. ZERO-RISK: This is a zero-risk agreement for the Participating Organization. If no RA items are sold at the Event, the Participating Organization is not obligated to pay for any items. There are no minimum requirements and no usage fees will be charged by RA. 

3. CONCLUSION OF EVENT: Upon conclusion of the Event, the Participating Organization shall provide the winning bidders (donors) with the RA Winning Bidder Certificate. The Participating Organization agrees to email RA a complete list of event winners with the following: Winner full name, phone, physical address, email address, and package won. Participating Organization to also include a cover sheet provided by RA with number of trips sold for each destination, and price trip sold for. Participating Organization to send email to your RA account executive contact. Upon receipt of the winners list, RA will submit an invoice to the Participating Organization for the complete balance of all items sold at the event and a W-9 form. 

4. PAYMENT: Due upon receipt of the invoice. The Participating Organization agrees to pay RA the agreed upon consignment price of each item sold at the Event. Winning bidders will be unable to complete their travel until full payment is received from the Participating Organization. 

5. REFUNDS: RA does not issue cash refunds. Any refund if valid will be applied as a donated trip to the next fundraising event held by the Participating Organization. 

6. RETURN OF UNSOLD ITEMS: The Participating Organization agrees to return any unsold items at their expense. This applies only to physical items at “in person events” that were sent to the Event by RA. This does not apply to trip packages or virtual events. 7. RISK OF LOSS: The Participating Organization shall be responsible for any loss, theft, or damage to any physical items while the items are in the custody of the Participating Organization and/or its representative, agents, and affiliates. The Participating Organization shall be responsible for any loss, theft, or damage to any physical items incurred while return shipping to RA from the Participating Organization. 

8. TRIP TERMS: Specific trip booking terms are listed on the individual “Winning Bidder Certificates” provided by Raise Away. Trip terms vary per trip destination. All trips must be booked with consecutive night stays, as one single trip.

9. TRIP ADJUSTMENTS: If a trip is no longer available, RA will provide an alternate trip, of equal or greater value, to the Participating Organization bid winner. 

10. PRICE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: By executing this Agreement, the Participating Organization agrees to the current pricing of all RA consignment items and trips. 

11. JURISDICTION: This agreement shall be interpreted under the laws of the State of California. Any litigation under this agreement shall be resolved in the court of Orange County, California. 

12. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement is the entire Agreement of both parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings. This Agreement may only be amended by a written document duly executed by all parties. 

By executing below the Participating Organization agrees to all terms and conditions in this entire Agreement.